
  1. So.IL Off-Road does not Provide medical insurance.  This is an inherently dangerous sport, and you are responsible for an and all medical bills as a result of entering the premises of any So.IL Off-Road racing event.
  2. No unauthorized pit riding at any So.IL Off-Road event.
  3. All persons wanting to enter the premises must sign all release forms at the gate.  Failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion from the premises.
  4. Spectators are not allowed on the race course at any time.  Spectators must stay a minimum of 25’ off of the designated race course at all times.
  5. Any person that interferes with any racer, changes or alter course markings, change or alter the race course will be asked to leave the premises immediately.  Any rider(s) associated with such person(s) will be penalized up to disqualification.
  6. The minimum for big bike racing is 12 years old.  In all events, a rider must be 14 years old to ride a machine above 250cc. 
  7. No rider under the age of 18 may compete without the written consent (signature on liability releases and entry forms) of his/her parents or legal guardians present at the meet. 
  8. Riders and/or family and pit crew who direct foul or abusive language to any staff member, promoter, official are subject to disqualification for the entire event.
  9. The rider must be able to control his/her machine at all times, and to ride it safely.  This includes stopping, starting, standing still, mounting, dismounting, and putting one or both feet on the ground. The promoter or referee has the authority to disqualify a rider who cannot safely control his/her machine.
  10. Course Marshals, Safety Marshals, and Sweep Riders sole responsibility is to assess the course for safety issues and concerns.  It is not their responsibility to assist any rider through any portion of the course.  Each rider is solely responsible to power their own machine around the course.  Course Marshals, Safety Marshals, and Sweep Riders may, at their own discretion, assist a rider stuck or broke down if they feel such rider could pose a safety concern to other riders.  It is not any course worker’s responsibility to help riders through mud holes or any obstacle on the course.

Race Rules

  1. No one except officially entered racers may ride on any portion of the course the day of the event.
  2. Riders may walk or ride bicycles on the final course prior to the start of the event.  Rider may also inspect starting and scoring areas.  No motorized vehicles on any portion of the source prior to the start of the event
  3. Riders meeting are mandatory.  All riders are required to attend the riders meeting for their race.  The riders meeting will take place at the starting area prior to the start of the race.  Engines must remain off for the entire riders meeting and riders may not start their machines until ordered to do so.  Ample time will be given to participants to warm their machines up prior to the start of the event.
  4. Riders who arrive late to the riders meeting must shut their engines off and push their machine to the starting position as to not disrupt the riders meeting.  Failure to do so will result in a penalty up to disqualification from the event.
  5. All riders are required to slow down when entering the scoring area.  This is a strict idle zone and no passing zone.  All racers must stop in the scoring area and wait to leave until instructed to do so.  This is a safety concern and will be monitored with the strictest conformity.
    • 1st Offense: Rider will be pulled over and held up to a maximum of 1 minute
    • 2nd Offense: Rider will be disqualified from the event
  6. Classes and/or rows may be combined for the purposes of the start.  Classes and/or rows starting together will be scored separately and time adjusted accordingly.  Riders found who jump the start prior to the starters signal will be stopped at the finish line and assessed a minimum of a 5 minute penalty.
  7. A rider leaving the course must re-enter at the same point or farther from the finish than where the course was left.  The rider must re-enter the course safely and do so without interfering with the other riders or gaining an advantage.  Failure to do so will result in the rider being penalized a minimum of 1 finishing position and up to disqualification for that event.  Any rider found to have committed this offense will not be eligible for any purse.  This is considered cutting the course and not tolerated.
  8. A competitor who rides in a way that endangers officials, other riders, or the public will be subject to immediate disqualification from the event.
  9. The course is marked with arrows, tape, banners, ribbon, staked markings, etc.  Single arrows mark the center of the course.  The course will extend twenty-five (25) feet on each side of a single arrow.  Double arrows (arrows on each side) will mark the boundary of the course and all riders must pass though the double arrowed section.  If a rider misses a double arrowed section and does not immediately return and pass through the section, that rider can be assessed a penalty up to a one (1) lap penalty.  There will be no exceptions.   Tape, banners, fences, etc. all mark the boundary of the course.  Areas that are marked with tape or banners are specific widths for a reason.  Many of these areas are to slow down the rider when entering a particular area.
  10. Under no circumstance may anyone other than a race official can modify or alter the course or course markings, tape, banners, etc.
  11. Each rider is responsible for the actions of his pit crew and/or all parties associated with the rider.  If any pit crew member and/or associated parties with rider violate any rules, the associated rider will be held responsible for such actions.

Inclement Weather

Events may be conducted regardless of weather conditions.  In the event of unfavorable conditions, it may be necessary to alter the order of the event schedule, including but not limited to adjusting the length of the race, delaying the race, or stopping the program completely.  Should a delay or cancellation occur, Promoter/Club will make every effort to announce re-scheduling as soon as is practical.  If a suitable reschedule date cannot be secured, the canceled event will count as one of the race drops.

Score Keeping

6-8 Races = 1 Drop Race

9-12 Races = 2 Drop Races

In the event of an end of year tie in total points, the tie will be broken by first determining which rider had the higher number of first place finishes for the entire year. If a tie still exists, then the higher number of second place finishes for the entire year will be used and so forth until the tie is resolved.

If a rider wishes to change classes at any point in time during the season, he or she may not carry any previous points into a new class unless approved by So.IL Off-Road.

Riders wishing to be scored must complete one lap of the Hare Scrambles racecourse, one complete section of a Sprint Enduro, complete FIRST section of an Enduro and one complete moto of a GP. A rider that does not complete any laps (HS) / any section (SE) / first section (E), a moto (GP) of the race will not be scored (DNS).

Club members working the event will be eligible for worker points.  Worker points will be calculated via the average points accumulated throughout the series.  If working more than one event, the average will only be calculated via the raced events.  Racer will only be allowed to receive worker points for a maximum of two events.

Points will be awarded via the Points Structure below.

Points Structure


Race Awards

  1. Pro/AA Payout – Minimum 100%. 
  2. Big Bike Classes – Minimum 1st-3rd Trophies, Plaques, or Medals
  3. 65cc/85cc-Supermini/Women – Minimum 1st-3rd Trophies, Plaques, or Medals
  4. 50cc 4-6/50cc 7-8/65cc Beginner – Minimum 1st-5th Trophies, Plaques, or Medals 

Series Awards

Points will be tracked via

Series awards will be paid to top three racers in each class.  Racer must compete in a minimum of 75% of events to be eligible for awards.  If the racer did not compete in 75%, he/she will be bumped out and the next eligible racer will be moved forward.  If no racer is eligible, then no award will be issued for that position.

Event Types

Youth classes will be offered at most events.  All youth events will be Hare Scrambles or GP format.

Hare Scrambles

  1. Big Bikes: Minimum lap length of 3.5 miles with a recommended length of 6 miles.
  2. 65cc/85-SuperMini/Women:  Minimum lap length of 2 miles with a maximum length of 4 miles.
  3. 50cc 4-6/50cc 7-8/65cc Beginner: Minimum lap length of .5 miles with a maximum length of 2 miles.  
  4. Riders Meeting will be held on the starting line of each race explaining the direction arrows, start procedure, etc.
  5. Starting order of each event will be as follows:
    1. Big Bikes:  AA/Expert, Open A, Vet A 30+, Senior A 40+, Super Senior A 50 +, Open B, Vet B 30+, Senior B 40+, Super Senoir B/C 50+, Open C, Vet C 30 C+, Senior C 40+, 60+
    1. 65cc/85cc-Supermini/Women: Supermini, 85cc, 65cc, Women
    1. 50cc:  50cc 7-8, 50cc 4-6 (if races are combined)
    1. 65cc Beginner: 65cc Beginner
  6. If any class less than 5 participants, start row can be combined with similar class determined by Club/Promoter


  1. Minimum time sections: 4
  2. Minimum timed section length:  3 miles.

Sprint Enduro

  1. Minimum timed sections: 2
  2. Minimum laps/section:  Recommended 2, but adjusted to be minimum 90 minutes of racing.
  3. Minimum timed section length: 3 miles

Grand Prix

  1. Race events can be either a 1 or 2 moto format.
  2. 2 moto format  GPs will be started via 1 live engine (engine running) and 1 dead engine (engine off). If the race is to be run in one 45 minute moto, which start is used will be decided by the promoter/club  
  3. If using the “one moto” format, the moto must be at least 45 minutes long. When using the two moto format, race will be scored using the motocross scoring format.